Sunday, September 13, 2009


This morning I started out with my Yogurt Berry Crunch. An hour later I was dragging. I hadn't slept very good but usually I'm going strong by 830am.

This I realized what the problem was..... for the last 4 weeks I have been starting my day with my Thyroid medicine and 16 oz of ice water. I down the water like it was a beer. The article said it would jump start my metabolism and it really does. I can't believe it. You have to try it.

Jerad met me at Irene's so that went a lot better than anticipated. Then it was errand - grocery store and Costco. I took the time to eat before going to the store and that saved me. I didn't buy everything in the store and I stuck to my list. At Costco I made it by the give away snacks - and the smell was killer.

I needed a reward so I got the non-fat yogurt at Costco. It's 390 calories - 8 points. Usually I ask them to only give me half but today I ate the whole thing. Oddly enough, it was too much. I felt kind of yucky. Next time I'm back to half.

Worked in the yard to get some activity in and then salad for dinner. Whew...time for bed! Talk to you soon.

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